Friday, February 14, 2020

Our Week In Review

The last two weeks in room 24 have been VERY busy!

During reading, we finished reading Saving Winslow, by Sharon Creech.  While reading, students focused on finding character traits for different
characters, and supported their thinking with evidence from the text. 
Students independently tracked their thinking digitally, and while looking at their
thinking we had rich discussions about how characters changed throughout the story. 
We wrapped up with a few end of book activities. Students rated this book, and many gave it a 10!
After break we will begin to make connections between this book and heroes, and following t
his we will begin a unit on mythology.

Mrs. A. reading to fourth grade during our weekly meeting.

During writing, students finished writing their persuasive essays on dogs. 
We spent this past week writing different poems, including nonfiction poems,
memory poems and we began writing RAP poems.  Students will continue
with this writing after break. Our next writing activity, after vacation, will be
writing the next chapter in Saving Winslow. 

During math we have explored many aspects of fractions.  Students used fraction
strips and pieces to add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers.  We worked at
changing mixed numbers to improper fractions and improper fractions to mixed numbers.
This week, we began learning about how to multiply whole numbers with fractions. 
We used fraction pieces and models, and then learned how to do this using steps.
We also began to explore the connection between fractions and decimals.
We were able to use beaded number lines to show our thinking. 
This work will continue after vacation.

During science, we continued to explore internal and external animal and plant structures. 
We participated in many experiments, making hypotheses and observing over days.
We will wrap up this unit before break.

During social studies, we finished learning about the Northeast Region. We completed
our NE Jigsaw slideshows and presented them to our class.

After vacation, our travels will take us to the United States Capital, Washington, D.C.  

Last week, we celebrated World Read Aloud Day!  We read with our new first grade friends, and then created artwork about the book we read.  We all agreed we would love to get together with our new friends again soon!

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Rent Party Jazz by William Miller

Each day for the month of February, we will be reading a book to celebrate Black History Month.  Today we heard Rent Party Jazz by William Miller, read by Viola Davis.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Our Week In Review

This week, our blog post is written as a list poem.  Each of these topics should spark conversations with your child.  Many of these are shown in the photos below.

A Week In Room 24
January, 2020

Guided Meditation
Setting Goals
Book Talks
Reading Journals and Conferences
Dog Essays
Dog Day Celebration
Northeast Research and Presentations
Saving Winslow
Animal Adaptations
Water Bird Creations
Mixed Numbers
Improper Fractions
Gone Fishing
National Parks
Setting Goals
Google Drawing
Dance Party Friday
 Highs, Lows, Betcha Didn't Know