Friday, June 18, 2010

Thank You

June 21, 2010

Dear Parents,

This year has been a very special one for me. Our class has grown so much! They are a kind, caring and special group of friends. I will really miss each of them.
I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you for the beautiful bracelet. I was touched by the generous gift, and the thoughtfulness in which it was bought. It is beautiful. I also am grateful for the Barnes and Noble gift card. I love to shop for books for our class there! Thank you.
I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your support over the year. Sending in materials and snacks, assisting with projects and homework, and helping your child with day to day struggles of fourth grade all helped to make it a successful year. When students are supported at home, school is an easier place for them.
I realize that fourth grade is a challenge. The number of projects and the amount of homework we assign are difficult for many families initially. The United States portfolios alone took many hours to complete. I hope now that the year has come to an end, that you can see the benefits to all the assignments. I am confident that your children are ready for their next challenge, fifth grade.

Saying goodbye to the students will be very difficult this year. I will be sad to see them go, but I know that it is time for them to move on. I hope that I will see some of you in the future, when your younger children reach fourth grade.

Thanks again for all of the help and support you offer. You are great parents.


Katie Merten

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