Saturday, September 7, 2013

Our Week In Review

Though it was a short week, we were able to complete a lot !

In Math, we have been working on place value skills.  This week we worked on reading and writing large numbers.  We also talked about the value of digits in numbers.  We will be learning about BIG numbers for a few weeks (numbers to the billions).  This week we also learned a math game, Name That Number.  We will be learning another game next week.  Ask your children about these games.  They are easy to play at home with basic cards and/or dice, and a wonderful way to reinforce our math lessons.

Name That Number!

During Reader's Workshop we have really been working to establish our routines.  We have also started talking about Narrative Elements (the parts of a story).  Laying the groundwork for our routines and literature basics will allow us to stretch our reading wings as the year progresses.  We have also been working in Reading "Zone".  Mrs. Merten is quite impressed with our stamina!  Mrs. Merten has been filling our bookbags with books that she thinks will interest us.  We are excited to give them a try.
The Reading Zone

                    One Reading Note:  One important part of our Reader's Workshop is the children read the same book at home and at school. This book should travel back and forth with your child.  The books can come from our class library, your home, or the school or public libraries.  This is a new expectation, and many children are still developing a routine to help remember to bring the book back to school.  Anything you can do to support this would be appreciated!

During Writer's Workshop, we began to talk about writing goals for fourth grade.  So far we have come up with some things that were hard for us last year, or things that we just would like to get better at.

Fridays continue to be spent on Creative Arts. This week, we were treated with a demonstration from our Music Department.  Teachers from the "String School" and after school band were at JFK to demonstrate the instruments that student have the opportunity to play.The teachers then played some music to show how the instruments would fit into a band or orchestra.

They were great!  If your child is interested in this opportunity, a note was sent home on Friday.

We have been working on writing poems about ourselves in Poetry workshop with Mrs. Williams.  We are almost finished writing these.  During technology workshop, we have been learning how to navigate the JFK website, our class blogs, and how to set bookmarks for ourselves (to get back to these sites easily throughout the year).  We also learned how to open/create a Microsoft Word document and how to save it into our folder. Next week, we hope to begin typing our biopoems.  Finally, during Art with Mrs. Hess, we worked together to create abstract sculptures. Then we drew the sculptures.  Stay tuned for pictures of our sculptures and our sketches!

The Technology Lab
Check out Mrs. Williams and Sammi~ They didn't know it, but they dressed alike this morning!


From the Teacher's Desk 
What a great start to the year! The children have really settled into the routine and are doing a great job!  One part of our blog that I like to highlight is the section "Spotlight On...".  If your child (or your family) does something exciting or special, please let Mrs. Merten know.  We can "Spotlight" your child on this blog.  In the past, we have "spotlighted" students playing in a basketball tournament, winning a medal in gymnastics or skating, celebrating Diwali, and so much more!  We even spotlighted a new puppy!  If you have something for this section of our blog, please email Mrs. Merten.  Next week is our Parent Information Session.  I hope to see you there ~ Wednesday, September 11, 3:00-3:30 and 3:30-4:00.


  1. Dear Mrs. Merten,

    Thank you for sharing the weekly blog.

    I like reading the Stink book series because
    I am always in the reading zone when I read those books.

    I am excited about showing my pictures in the blog.

    I am looking forward to see my art class sculpture pictures.


  2. we look like were reading way in the reading zone.
    I am enjoying reading this year.
    your student,

  3. Are we going to get to here them play this year!
