Saturday, February 10, 2018

What A Week!

With two early release days, and the excitement that always comes with snow, there was a lot of excitement this week!

We had our fraction assessment yesterday, and everyone did an AMAZING job!  Hard work and practice paid off!  Our study of fractions will continue over the next week as we apply our knowledge to multiplication of fractions.

During Creative Arts Friday, we continued to work on writing our scripts and explored recording using WeVideo.  We also learned about famous African American poets, and will be writing our own rap poems.  We have also been working in teams to research a National Park to create a travel brochure.

We are moving through our interactive read aloud, and have enjoyed the adventure of the children from Norway!  We are learning how to write brief chapter summaries and are looking a figurative language to see how that impacts the author's storytelling.  During independent reading, the children are working to vary their reading genre and pushing themselves to try new authors/series.  We continue to practice the routines of reader's workshop.

On Thursday, we were excited to participate in our first Mystery Skype, with a class from eastern PA!  Mrs. A. Williams helped us connect to her cousin's class.  The children asked excellent yes/no questions and answered questions about our location in the US.  What an authentic way to practice using our map skills!  Ask your child about this!

We finished our study of the Northeast, took a quiz and presented our projects.  The students showed some terrific learning! Next week we will take our travels across the U.S. to Washington, D.C.  We will be learning about reading nonfiction and strategies for research.  This project will be done both at school and at home, and will be due in early March. Students are NOT expected to work on this project over February vacation. More information will be sent home next week.

We will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Wed. with "Party in a Bag".  Please remember, if your child is handing out Valentines, make sure that everyone is included. 

We finished our week preparing for the "Measurement Olympics".  Students will be working with friends across the grade to participate in 5 measurement challenges. Check back early next week for pictures of these events. 

Mrs. Merten loved reading all of the reasons why 4th graders LOVE our class!

Check out this student! She wrote an informational piece about hockey, and shared it with our class!  Way to keep learning!!!

Many of our students participated in the Hearts of Kindess Project!  Way to Go!  (I'm sorry if I missed any photos.)

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