Friday, January 23, 2015

Our Week in Review

It was a busy week in Room 24!  We got to meet our new student teacher, Miss Cote.  We are excited for her to begin teaching us next week!

We have been working hard to learn all about essay writing and how to write essays. We have written our theses and framed our essays.  Next week we will write our drafts.  We have also been discussing adjectives and how they can be used to improve our writing.  We will continue to discuss adjectives next week, and will have a quiz toward the end of the week.  

We took our math assessment on Wednesday.  Mrs. Merten was very proud of all of us for working so hard on the challenging topic of fractions.  We have continued our study of fractions ~ learning how to add and subtract fractions with like denominators this week.  We will continue this for the next few weeks, and will have an assessment about this topic before February Vacation.  The children have been practicing their math facts as well!  We noticed great improvement during our most recent game of Around the World!

We are about halfway through reading Snow Treasure.  What a wonderful adventure story!  The children have really enjoyed learning about this time in history and are so excited to find out what happens to the children and to the gold!  While reading, we have been working on the following objectives:
  • to understand a character's feelings, and to show evidence of how they are feeling
  • to think about the author's writing style and to find evidence of this
  • to make connections with the characters
  • to understand the concept of cause --> effect
The children have been encouraged to continue working on these skills during their zone time at school and during their independent reading time at home.  These are skills which can be written on weekly reading logs as well.

We began our journey across the US this week in the Northeast. We will continue to learn about this next week.

Congratulations to our class!  We used 30 of our 44 points (earned through excellent behavior during specials this year)!  We chose to watch a movie for our reward, and enjoyed watching the Wizard of Oz today!  We brought Oz-like snacks, flying monkeys, and dogs in a basket; and we even experienced the literary technique of the "cliff hanger" as we watched this movie. 

We have been working on earning these points almost all year!

The children have also responded to the Terrific Teamwork award! Thank you to those who have commented on our blog this week!  Our teams enjoy receiving this recognition!  Here are the most recent "Terrific Teams"!

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