Thursday, August 31, 2017

Our Week In Review

Our first week of fourth grade was AMAZING!  We spent the majority of our week establishing our classroom community.  We want our learning space to be a place where we can all succeed!  We also learned some new things about each other, even about those friends we have known for a long time! 

This week, we began to talk about our hopes, dreams and goals for fourth grade.  We created a list of classroom rules that we all agree to follow (we all signed it, too!).  On Thursday, we got together with ALL of the fourth graders, and we met both Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Williams.  We learned about Creative Arts Fridays, and talked about our weekly morning meeting with fourth grade. Your child can tell you more about how Fridays will run in fourth grade. 

In the next week, we will continue to establish our routines in the classroom, while beginning to focus on academics.  We will begin our first math unit (Place Value) on Monday, and will practice our Math Workshop while learning about this topic. We will work on our Reader's Workshop routines as well, while also exploring our classroom library.  During Writer's Workshop, we will focus on writing about our Hopes, Dreams and Goals. Science and Social Studies will begin later in the month.

Throughout the year, I will ask parents and/or students to fill out brief surveys.  These are meant to gather information in order to continue to learn more about each child/family. Here is the link to the first survey for the children. Students, please complete the survey if possible.

From the Teacher's Desk
Our class blog is written for students and families. At times, I may have a specific message for the parents/guardians.  Those messages are in this section "From the Teacher's Desk".  Look for "adult specific" information here.  Please note that I tweet throughout the day.  You can find our most recent tweets on the right sidebar, or by following our class @mertenladybugs .  

National Parks Program:
   Once again, this year, the government has announced a program for fourth graders called "Every Kid in a Park".  This initiative is to encourage fourth graders to visit the National Parks FREE OF CHARGE!  All fourth graders in the 2016-2017 school year can receive a pass good for the year.  Information about this program can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mrs. Merten,
    That sounds so cool! I loved doing the Paper Chain Challenge and the Morning Meetings on Thursday and this morning! See you tomorrow!
    Your student,
